Have Your Very Own White Label Learning Platform
With Over 500 Online Courses & Resources
NO LIMITS on subscribers. Create your own pricing.
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Is COVID-19 Destroying Your Training Business & Giving You Sleepless Nights?
If you’re like millions of freelance trainers around the world, you’re feeling very worried.
You’ve ran a nice little business over the years in offering face to face training or coaching in the past and now literally, overnight that has been wiped out.
Everything and everyone is moving online. All meetings are now online and ALL training is online too.
That’s good on one hand because it creates an opportunity and a thirsty market but bad for you because you don’t offer that in your current training business.
You also understand that face to face training WILL NOT recommence any time soon.
If you’re looking for a solution to your problem then Skillshub can help you.

Set up in 24 hours
Branded learning platform
500 online courses
Create your own pricing
Make Sure You’ve Got A Training
Business To Come Back To
You can now have your very own white label online learning platform loaded with 500 of the most engaging online courses on the marketplace.
This can all be set up for you in less than 24 hours!
You can then go out to your current client base straight away, create your own pricing and invoice them directly for their staff to access the platform.
You’ll have your very own subdomain with your business or personal name, your own branding and your subscribers will have access to a leading edge learning platform capable of creating personal learning journeys out of the 500 courses loaded on the system.
What difference would that make to your training business?
Literally overnight you’ll be back in the game.
At very worse it will tide you over until you can get back to what you love, face to face delivery.
It will also create a very welcome income stream for you at this worrying time.
Trusted Worldwide By Commercial & Non-Profit Organisations

Don’t Let Your Training Business Fail
Here are some of the features & benefits that you and your clients will have
by having your very own white label online learning platform and content
Create Your Own Pricing
And Invoice Your Clients
Money Straight Into
Your Bank Not Ours
Less Than 24 Hour
Set Up After Ordering
Unlimited Number
Of Subscribers
Leading Edge
Learning Platform
Ideal For
Self-Directed Learning
Create Personal
Learning Journeys
Access To Over
500 Online Courses
Just One Low Monthly
Fee Paid To Us
Your Very Own
Personal Branding &
Logo Options
Unlimited Support.
We’re There For You.

“Skillshub’s content and platform is of the very highest standard. The CPD Certification Service is proud to support and partner with this innovative and modern approach to learning and development. In our view Skillshub provides an effective solution for today’s time poor workforce which is focused on taking action and implementing learning”
More About Skillshub

A Learner Friendly Platform That Can
Create Personal Learning Journeys
You’re most likely familiar with the term learning management system (LMS) but that’s not the right definition for our platform.
Our learning platform creates a unique learner experience and hence it’s referred to as a learning experience platform (LXP)
Our platform is easy to use, your learners will love it and it’s just so easy to find content and create your own personal journeys.
Systems that are not easy to use, simply don’t get used!
Ours is different and has the ability to create unique personal learning journeys rather than it just being a library of content that no one uses.
(Click PLAY for an overview)
Off-The-Shelf eLearning Content
All Focused On Practical Take-Aways
Our learning platform is loaded with over
500 off the shelf courses as well as hundreds of infographics, images, articles, audios and blogs.
Most online training solutions consist of long, drawn out content that bores your staff and simply fails to engage with them.
Our elearning content is different.
Our off-the-shelf content library consists of short sessions (60 seconds to 5 minutes) that are practical, engaging and focused on taking action in the workplace.
Content Examples
Imagine offering over 500 of these to your clients?
What Is Coaching?
Motion Graphic Style
“How To Close A Difficult Conversation”
Presenter Style
“Receiving & Processing Information”
Animation Style

What Support
Do You Receive?
Your success is our success.
Therefore we don’t hang you out to dry.
Instead, once you sign up as a partner we will provide you with everything you need so you can confidently introduce Skillshub to your prospects and clients.
In reality it’s dead simple.
Skillshub sells itself.
Don’t delay, complete our enquiry form below and we’ll send you some further detail and fees. We can also set up a free demo for you if you’d like to take a look around the platform.