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Do you really understand GDPR? Not many of us do!
This short online course covers the essential knowledge that you need so you can handle personal information and data with care.
You’ll learn how to handle data, what your role is in relation to the data and the 6 key principles to ensure that you’re covered in terms of the law.
This programme will help you to:
- Discover what GDPR means
- Understand what personal data is
- Be mindful when handling and processing personal data
- Understand the law when it comes to GDPR
- Protect yourself, your company and your customers
- Avoid data breaches
Programme Outline
This programme is made up of animated microlearning sessions and consists of the following:
- An Introduction To GDPR
- What Makes GDPR Different?
- What Is Considered As Personal Data?
- What Is A Data Subject?
- Your Role – Data Processor or Data Controller?
- Processing Data
- 6 Bases of Legal Data Processing
- Data Protection Principles
- New Data Subject Rights
- Data Breaches
Session Example
Each session comes with the following:
You will also receive a coaching blueprint to help you embed the learning in the workplace.
Ordering is really simple.
The price of this course is just £9.95 per person and you can pay by card below.
For that you will have access to the 10 sessions that make up this programme.
Q – Is this programme certified?
Q – Is there a test or an assessment?
Q – Do I get a discount if I order in bulk?
Q – I’m booking for someone else. What happens after I order?
Q – Can I lease or purchase this course to put on our own LMS?
Q – How long does each session last?
Q – Do I receive any reference materials?







