How Did We Do Initial Engagement Please rate the level of support received during the purchase of Skillshub on a scale of 1-5. With 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. Initial contact response time from your enquiry. 12345 The sales consultant was knowledgeable and understood our business needs. 12345 Demo of the content was clearly structured for our requirements. 12345 The information provided was clear and transparent. 12345 Did you have all the information you needed to make a confident purchase decision? YesNo Product Review Please rate the following based on your experience using the Skillshub content on a scale of 1-5. With 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. Communication with your Customer Experience Manager has been clear and within a timely manner. 12345 How easy was it to access and implement the content on your LMS? 12345 How well does the content meet your learning objectives? 12345 How widely has the Skillshub content been used within your organisation? 12345 Have you used similar content providers before? How does Skillshub compare? We're there any topics or areas you felt were missing from the content? Skillshub How did you hear about Skillshub? Please selectGoogle SearchLinkedInFacebookYouTubeLearning Technologies ExhibitionUsed previously in another companyRecommendationOther (please specify) Would you recommend Skillshub? YesNo Please provide reasons for your selection below: Are there any areas in which Skillshub can do better? Any additional comments you'd like to leave us? Would you be happy for Skillshub to use part of your feedback as a testimonial? YesNo Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey. We are always looking for ways to improve our services and this survey is used internally to do just that. One last favour to ask please. We'd love it if you could also leave us a Trust Pilot review so that any feedback you have for us is seen externally and is able to help others who are thinking of using our services. Please use this link, it's really quick and simple to do and we'd really appreciate it. Don't forget to click submit below too. Thanks again for your time. Jenny Verman CLO - Skillshub