Exploring Different Types of Learning Styles

Did you know that the different types of learning styles play a pivotal role in how individuals absorb and process information? Everyone has a unique way of learning, and understanding these differences can significantly enhance educational experiences and outcomes. Appreciating such differences can help managers ensure their learning and development programmes are best suited to

Formative and Summative Assessments: Examples and Differences

  When assessing student learning, two of the most common approaches are formative and summative assessments. One of the primary benefits of using formative and summative assessments is that you aren’t forced to choose between them. They work exceptionally well when used in combination. In this article, we’ll be breaking down precisely what formative and

How To Write SMART Learning Objectives & Outcomes

  Educational success is often contingent on clear, realistic, and well-defined aims – and this is where SMART learning objectives come in. As a methodology first created for business management, SMART has since been adapted across numerous fields, including education. SMART objectives offer a structured framework to help educators design effective learning goals that are

What are KOLB’s Learning Styles? The 1984 Model Explained and Applied

Why is it important to understand learning styles and how can they influence the way you teach or coach others? Skillshub outlines Kolb’s 1984 model of experiential learning styles to highlight the involvement that differing learning styles should have in all types of learning and development. Why Are Learning Styles Important? The whole concept of

How To Incorporate Immersive Learning into Your Training

  As we navigate the transformative world of learning and development, immersive learning has become a critical component to enhancing training effectiveness. This approach, which seamlessly blends reality and digital elements, not only amplifies engagement but also fosters a deeper understanding. Let’s take a look at the full potential of immersive learning, whilst equipping you

How to Adapt Your Training for Different Workplace Learning Styles

No two people are the same, and the ways in which we all absorb and retain information are different, too. People generally fall into four different categories of learning styles. Recognising these categories allows us to better understand and accommodate each other’s needs. By adapting employee training strategies to specific learning styles, businesses and organisations

What is Pedagogy in Education and Learning?

Many don’t know the meaning of the word and even more don’t even know how to pronounce it correctly! What am I talking about? Pedagogy. There are many aspects of learning and development that stand close scrutiny and have been developed over the years. An amalgamation of teaching and student learning has driven many new

8 Informal Learning Examples In The Workplace

While formal training plays an important part in learning and knowledge acquisition, research shows that its actual impact on learning is generally over-rated. Take this study from Sara Lee, for example, where staff were asked to rate the relative importance of work place learning activities. Formal training came down the list, accounting for about 20%

7 Best Gamification Examples

Gamification is the process of using game play mechanics in the work-place to motivate staff to achieve specific objectives. By giving badges and rewards for completing certain tasks and/or creating league tables that publicly showcase high performers you can motivate staff to perform. Many of you may be eager to try out gamification in the workplace,

Difference Between Microlearning V Macrolearning

Modern training and education methods can be boiled down into two main forms: Microlearning and Macrolearning.

3 Reasons Why You Should Use M-Learning (& How To Do It)

Smart-phones have transformed the way we: communicate, socialise and entertain ourselves. But, one area where smart-phone tech has yet to explode is mobile learning or m-learning. However, with nearly 100% of under 50s owning smart-phones, and superfast 4G becoming the norm it’s time for mobile learning to go mainstream. Still not convinced? Here’s 3 reasons

How Are Social Learning & Social Media Linked?

Let’s face it, social learning is not a new thing. It has been around for decades, and the most well-known theory of social learning was put forward by Albert Bandura in the 1970s. It’s surprisingly simple and confirms what most of you probably guessed in that people can learn in a social context. This social

Incorporating Generation Z Into Your Workforce

Not much is known about the new, up and coming generation that the media have labelled Generation Z. What we do know is that this is the cohort of people born after the now famous, free thinking millennial generation, but, what else do we know? It’s hard to pinpoint the birth period of generation Z,

Do You Support The Learning Needs Of Your Workforce?

Of course, one of the most effective ways to establish learning needs for staff is to do an individual training needs analysis from which you can identify individual training requirements. You can also use this data to do a cluster analysis to see if there are any particularly weak competency areas which affect your organisation

3 Different Styles Of Learning Fit For All Generations

For the first time ever, we are facing a work-force with 5 different generations working alongside each other: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z. As if this situation wasn’t hard enough for workers – in terms of the inter-generational collaboration challenges – L&D professionals are faced with a whole new problem as